Due to an undisclosed medical condition, earlier this week Paris was allowed to go home wearing an ankle bracelet after being in jail for only three days of her 45 day sentence. Today, the judge threw the book at her, expressly stating that he did not approve of her fur low and that she would need to serve the remaining 45 days of her prison sentence IN PRISON. What a concept!
Paris responded to the judge's perfectly reasonable sentence by crying out that "It's not right!" and turning to her mother and screaming "Mom!"
Mommy, mommy, please come and rescue rich little Paris.
All of these people who say that Paris would not be in jail if she were not rich miss the point entirely. Paris has held herself up as a role model for the youth of the world. She is just the latest in a long series of stars who have recklessly abused that privilege (see the former Miss USA). People like that need to be held to a higher standard; they need to have the book thrown at them when they willfully violate the law.
Besides, Paris deserves some hard time. First, she was DUI and got caught. Then she got caught driving on a suspended license--TWICE! She is either (a) stupid or (b) she thinks she is above the law. The judge had a responsibility to show her that she is not above the law and to try to temper her irresponsibility.
This is a good day for the American legal system. Allowing Paris to stay home would have further undermined confidence in our justice system.
"Hooray," I say!
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